css-selectors- Parsing, rendering and manipulating css selectors in Haskell.
A library for parsing, manipulating, and rendering css selectors (not css files, just the selectors).
It has a quasiquoter to enable Haskell to validate the css selector at compile time.
Currently the css grammar is implemented without the pseudo-classes, pseudo-elements and negations. One can furthermore calculate the specificity of a css-selector, and thus perform an analysis over what css-selector will take precedence.
- Css
- Css.Selector Css 3 selectors in Haskell.
- Css.Selector.Core A module where we define the tree of types to represent and maniplate a css selector.
- Css.Selector.QuasiQuoters A module that defines a quasiquoter to parse a string to a css selector.
- Css.Selector.Utils A set of utility methods to encode and decode strings.
- Css.Selector Css 3 selectors in Haskell.
- Css3
- Css3.Selector Css 3 selectors in Haskell.
- Css3.Selector.Core A module where we define the tree of types to represent and maniplate a css selector.
- Css3.Selector.QuasiQuoters A module that defines a quasiquoter to parse a string to a css selector.
- Css3.Selector.Utils A set of utility methods to encode and decode strings.
- Css3.Selector Css 3 selectors in Haskell.